Sooji Halwa -Ashtami Prasad

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Sooji Halwa - Ashtami Prasad

Quick and easy Sooji Halwa – Ashtami Prasad is a traditional Indian slow cooked sweet semolina pudding that comes together in 20 minutes.

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Prep Time: 5 MIN

Sooji (Semolina) Sugar Unsalted butter or Ghee Milk Water Cardamom Powder Slivered almonds for garnish

Cook Time: 20 Min


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Step 1

Boil Milk  -  Combine sugar, milk, and water in a pan.  Bring it to a boil. Keep stirring until sugar is fully dissolved in water. Set it aside.

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Step 2

Roast Sooji - In a heavy-bottomed pan dry roast sooji on a low flame for a couple of minutes.  Add ghee.  Cook sooji until it is light brown, stirring continuously.

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Step 3

Combine Sooji and Milk - Pour in the boiled milk-water-sugar mixture.  Increase the flame and stir continuously. Make sure nothing sticks to the bottom.

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Step 4

Sooji Halwa - The mixture will begin to bubble and splash. Use a long ladle to stir.  Remove from flame once halwa is of dropping consistency.  As the halwa cools, it will become grainy in texture.

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Sooji Halwa

This slow-cooked, Sooji halwa comes together with minimal effort and is sure to hit everyone’s sweet spot! 

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